Become a Member
Member Benefits
PENNSELA members include department heads, supervisors, coordinators, consultants, science specialists, administrators, teacher advocates, head teachers, university and college science educators, and others concerned with leadership in science curricula, science education reform, and science education in general.
PENNSELA members enjoy several exclusive benefits, including:
- Online members-only discussion forums and regional community forums of science leaders.
- Access to restricted features of the NSELA web site including a searchable membership directory.
- Access to restricted materials including archived webinars, learning materials and conference handouts.
- A subscription to The Science Educator Journal, a refereed journal which seeks manuscripts dealing with topics and issues of interest to professionals involved in science education leadership across a variety of roles, institutions and agencies
- Professional development opportunities like the 1-day Leadership Summit and 3-day Summer Leadership Institute.
- The opportunity to network with other leaders who wish to make a difference in science education.
Dual Membership Affiliation
PENNSELA is proud to offer a dual membership affiliation with the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA), providing our members with even greater value. All PENNSELA members automatically receive full membership in NSELA at no additional cost.
NSELA partners with select state affiliates to extend this benefit. If you live or work in Pennsylvania, joining PENNSELA means you gain access to both PENNSELA and NSELA resources and professional networks. Be sure to use the PENNSELA-specific sign-up below when registering as a new member!
Membership dues annually are $60
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software
Purchase Orders
- PURCHASE ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED FOR MEMBERSHIP DUES (must be paid in 60 days or membership will be canceled)
- When completing the online membership form, you will be asked to provide information regarding your Purchase Order, including PO number and accounts payable contact information
- An invoice will NOT be sent; once the membership form has been submitted, you will be emailed an invoice to provide to your accounts payable dept.
- Membership dues are non-refundable (must still be paid even if you are registering for an event and it is canceled)